Publications 1993 - 1996
Silicon radiation detectors, Lutz G., 1995, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 367, 1-3
Advanced experimental application of a digital signal processor in high resolution x-ray spectroscopy, Sampietro M., Geraci A., Fazzi A., Lechner P., 1995, Review of Scientific Instruments, 66, 11
Ionization statistics in silicon X-ray detectors - new experimental results, Lechner P., Strüder L., 1995, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 354, 2-3
Silicon drift detectors with on-chip electronics for X-ray spectroscopy, Fasoli L., Fiorini C., Gatti E., Sampietro M., Kemmer J., Lechner P., Strunder L., 1995, European Solid-State Device Research Conference,
Room Temperature, High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy with Silicon Drift Chambers, Pinotti E., Longoni A., Gambelli M., Strüder L., Lechner P., Zanthier C.V., Kraner H., 1995, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 42, 1
High resolution silicon detectors for photons and particles, Struder L., Soltau H., 1995, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 61, 1-3
A simplistic model for reverse annealing in irradiated silicon, Lutz G., 1995, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 95, 1