Publications 2011


Search for sub-eV mass solar axions by the CERN axion solar telescope with He3 buffer gas, Arik M., Aune S., Barth K., Belov A., Borghi S., Bräuninger H., Cantatore G., Carmona J.M., Cetin S.A., Collar J.I., Dafni T., Davenport M., Eleftheriadis C., Elias N., Ezer C., Fanourakis G., Ferrer-Ribas E., Friedrich P., Galán J., García J.A., Gardikiotis A., Gazis E.N., Geralis T., Giomataris I., Gninenko S., Gómez H., Gruber E., Guthörl T., Hartmann R., Haug F., Hasinoff M.D., Hoffmann D.H.H., Iguaz F.J., Irastorza I.G., Jacoby J., Jakovčić K., Karuza M., Königsmann K., Kotthaus R., Krčmar M., Kuster M., Lakić B., Laurent J.M., Liolios A., Ljubičić A., Lozza V., Lutz G., Luzón G., Morales J., Niinikoski T., Nordt A., Papaevangelou T., Pivovaroff M.J., Raffelt G., Rashba T., Riege H., Rodríguez A., Rosu M., Ruz J., Savvidis I., Silva P.S., Solanki S.K., Stewart L., Tomás A., Tsagri M., Van Bibber K., Vafeiadis T., Villar J.A., Vogel J.K., Yildiz S.C., Zioutas K., 2011, Physical Review Letters, 107, 26


Radiation damage in protein serial femtosecond crystallography using an x-ray free-electron laser, Lomb L., Barends T.R.M., Kassemeyer S., Aquila A., Epp S.W., Erk B., Foucar L., Hartmann R., Rudek B., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Shoeman R.L., Andreasson J., Bajt S., Barthelmess M., Barty A., Bogan M.J., Bostedt C., Bozek J.D., Caleman C., Coffee R., Coppola N., Deponte D.P., Doak R.B., Ekeberg T., Fleckenstein H., Fromme P., Gebhardt M., Graafsma H., Gumprecht L., Hampton C.Y., Hartmann A., Hauser G., Hirsemann H., Holl P., Holton J.M., Hunter M.S., Kabsch W., Kimmel N., Kirian R.A., Liang M., Maia F.R.N.C., Meinhart A., Marchesini S., Martin A.V., Nass K., Reich C., Schulz J., Seibert M.M., Sierra R., Soltau H., Spence J.C.H., Steinbrener J., Stellato F., Stern S., Timneanu N., Wang X., Weidenspointner G., Weierstall U., White T.A., Wunderer C., Chapman H.N., Ullrich J., Strüder L., Schlichting I., 2011, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84, 21


Irradiations on DEPFET-like test structures, Ritter A., Andricek L., Hildebrand T., Koffmane C., Moser H.-G., Ninkovic J., Richter R., Schaller G., Wassatsch A., 2011, Proceedings of Science,


Development of pixel detectors for particle physics using SLID-ICV interconnection technology, Moser H.-G., Andricek L., Beimforde M., Liemann G., Macchiolo A., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Weigell P., 2011, 2011 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference, 3DIC 2011,


Characterization of thin pixel sensor modules interconnected with SLID technology irradiated to a fluence of 21015 neq/cm 2., Weigell P., Andricek L., Beimforde M., MacChiolo A., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.-H., 2011, Journal of Instrumentation, 6, 12


Characterization and performance of silicon n-in-p pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrades, Weigell P., Beimforde M., Gallrapp Ch., La Rosa A., MacChiolo A., Nisius R., Pernegger H., Richter R.H., 2011, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 658, 1


Status of the CCD camera for the eROSITA space telescope, Meidinger N., Andritschke R., Elbs J., Granato S., Hälker O., Hartner G., Herrmann S., Miessner D., Pietschner D., Predehl P., Reiffers J., Rommerskirchen T., Schmaler G., Strüder L., Tiedemann L., 2011, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8145,  


Applications of an energy-dispersive pnCCD for X-ray reflectivity: Investigation of interdiffusion in Fe-Pt multilayers, Abboud A., Send S., Hartmann R., Strüder L., Savan A., Ludwig A., Zotov N., Pietsch U., 2011, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 208, 11


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