Publications 2021


Measurement of the branching fraction for B0→π0π0 decays reconstructed in 2019-2020 Belle II data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén et al. (Jul 5, 2021), Contribution to: Moriond QCD 2021 • e-Print: 2107.02373 [hep-ex]


Rediscovery of B0→J/ψKL0 at Belle II, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén et al. (Jun 25, 2021), e-Print: 2106.13547 [hep-ex]


Measurements of branching fractions and direct CP asymmetries in B0→K+π, B+→KS0π+ and B0→π+π using 2019 and 2020 data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (Jun 7, 2021), e-Print: 2106.03766 [hep-ex]


Measurement of the time-integrated mixing probability χd with a semileptonic double-tagging strategy and 34.6fb−1 of Belle II collision data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (Jun 1, 2021), Contribution to: Moriond QCD 2021 • e-Print: 2106.00482 [hep-ex]


Measurements of branching fractions and direct CP-violating asymmetries in B+→K+π0 and π+π0 decays using 2019 and 2020 Belle II data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (May 10, 2021), e-Print: 2105.04111 [hep-ex]


First search for direct CP-violating asymmetry in B0→K0π0 decays at Belle II, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (Apr 30, 2021), e-Print: 2104.14871 [hep-ex]


Measurement of the branching fractions of B→η′K decays using 2019/2020 Belle II data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (Apr 13, 2021), e-Print: 2104.06224 [hep-ex]


Study of B→D()h decays using 62.8 fb−1 of Belle II data, Belle-II Collaboration•F. Abudinén(INFN, Trieste) et al. (Apr 8, 2021), Contribution to: Moriond QCD 2021 • e-Print: 2104.03628 [hep-ex]


Operational Experience and Performance of the Belle II Pixel Detector, Belle-II PXD Collaboration•Q. Liu(DESY) et al. (2021), JPS Conf.Proc. 34 (2021) 010002 •


Commissioning and performance of the Belle II pixel detector, Ye H., Abudinen F., Ackermann K., Ahlburg P., Albalawi M., Alonso O., Andricek L., Ayad R., Babu V., Bilka T., Boronat M., Bozek A., Camien C., Caldwell A., Chekelian V., Deschamps B., Dieguez A., Dingfelder J., Doležal Z., Esperante D., Fras M., Frey A., Fuster J., Gabriel M., Gadow K., Gebauer U., Gessler T., Giakoustidis G., Gioi L., Gomis P., Greenwald D., Heck M., Hemperek T., Hensel M., Hoek M., Huber S., Kandra J., Kapusta P., Kiesling C., Kisielewski B., Kittlinger D., Klose D., Kodyš P., Koffmane C., Konorov I., Krivokuca S., Krüger H., Kuhr T., Kvasnička P., Lacasta C., Lange J.S., Lautenbach K., Leis U., Leitl P., Levit D., Liemann G., Liu Q., Liu Z., Lück T., Lütticke F., Macharski L., Mariñas C., Mccarney S., Moser H.G., Moya D., Mueller F.J., Müller F., Niebuhr C., Ninkovic J., Paschen B., Paul S., Peric I., Poblotzki F., Rabusov A., Reiter S.P., Richter R., Ritter M., Ritzert M., Sanchez J.G., Scavino B., Schaller G., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Schreeck H., Schwenker B., Sedlmeyer R., Sfienti C., Simon F., Skambraks S., Soloviev Y., Spruck B., Stefkova S., Stever R., Stolzenberg U., Tafelmayer E., Takahashi M., Vila I., Virto A.L., Vogt S., Vos M., Wang C., Wermes N., Wessel C., Wieduwilt P., Windel H., Zhao J., (Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaboration), 2021, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 987,


The MiniSDD-based 1-Megapixel Camera of the DSSC Project for the European XFEL, Porro M., Andricek L., Aschauer S., Castoldi A., Donato M., Engelke J., Erdinger F., Fiorini C., Fischer P., Graafsma H., Grande A., Guazzoni C., Hansen K., Hauf S., Kalavakuru P., Klaer H., Tangl M., Kugel A., Kuster M., Lechner P., Lomidze D., Maffessanti S., Manghisoni M., Nidhi S., Okrent F., Re V., Reckleben C., Riceputi E., Richter R., Samartsev A., Schlee S., Soldat J., Struder L., Szymanski J., Turcato M., Weidenspointner G., Wunderer C.B., 2021, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,  


Characterization of silicon drift detectors with electrons for the TRISTAN project, Mertens S., Brunst T., Korzeczek M., Lebert M., Siegmann D., Alborini A., Altenmüller K., Biassoni M., Bombelli L., Carminati M., Descher M., Fink D., Fiorini C., Forstner C., Gugiatti M., Houdy T., Huber A., King P., Lebeda O., Lechner P., Pantuev V.S., Parno D.S., Pavan M., Pozzi S., Radford D.C., Slezák M., Steidl M., Trigilio P., Urban K., Vénos D., Wolf J., Wüstling S., Yen Y.-R., 2021, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 48, 1

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