Publications 2014
Development of active edge pixel sensors and four-side buttable modules using vertical integration technologies, MacChiolo A., Andricek L., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Terzo S., Weigell P., 2014, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 765,
Calibration measurements on the DEPFET Detectors for the MIXS instrument on BepiColombo, Majewski P., Aschauer F., Aschauer S., Bähr A., Bergbauer B., Hilchenbach M., Krumrey M., Laubis C., Lauf T., Lechner P., Lutz G., Scholze F., Soltau H., Stefanescu A., Strüder L., Treis J., 2014, Experimental Astronomy, 37, 3
ROOT based Offline and Online Analysis (ROAn): An analysis framework for X-ray detector data, Lauf T., Andritschke R., 2014, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 762,
Production and characterisation of SLID interconnected n-in-p pixel modules with 75 μm thin silicon sensors, Andricek L., Beimforde M., Macchiolo A., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Terzo S., Weigell P., 2014, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 758,
Heavily irradiated N-in-p thin planar pixel sensors with and without active edges, Terzo S., Andricek L., Macchiolo A., Moser H.G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Weigell P., 2014, Journal of Instrumentation, 9, 5
Search for solar axions by the CERN axion solar telescope with He 3 buffer gas: Closing the hot dark matter gap, Arik M., Aune S., Barth K., Belov A., Borghi S., Bräuninger H., Cantatore G., Carmona J.M., Cetin S.A., Collar J.I., Da Riva E., Dafni T., Davenport M., Eleftheriadis C., Elias N., Fanourakis G., Ferrer-Ribas E., Friedrich P., Galán J., García J.A., Gardikiotis A., Garza J.G., Gazis E.N., Geralis T., Georgiopoulou E., Giomataris I., Gninenko S., Gómez H., Gómez Marzoa M., Gruber E., Guthörl T., Hartmann R., Hauf S., Haug F., Hasinoff M.D., Hoffmann D.H.H., Iguaz F.J., Irastorza I.G., Jacoby J., Jakovčić K., Karuza M., Königsmann K., Kotthaus R., Krčmar M., Kuster M., Lakić B., Lang P.M., Laurent J.M., Liolios A., Ljubičić A., Luzón G., Neff S., Niinikoski T., Nordt A., Papaevangelou T., Pivovaroff M.J., Raffelt G., Riege H., Rodríguez A., Rosu M., Ruz J., Savvidis I., Shilon I., Silva P.S., Solanki S.K., Stewart L., Tomás A., Tsagri M., Van Bibber K., Vafeiadis T., Villar J., Vogel J.K., Yildiz S.C., Zioutas K., 2014, Physical Review Letters, 112, 9
X-ray diffraction from isolated and strongly aligned gas-phase molecules with a free-electron laser, Küpper J., Stern S., Holmegaard L., Filsinger F., Rouzée A., Rudenko A., Johnsson P., Martin A.V., Adolph M., Aquila A., Bajt S., Barty A., Bostedt C., Bozek J., Caleman C., Coffee R., Coppola N., Delmas T., Epp S., Erk B., Foucar L., Gorkhover T., Gumprecht L., Hartmann A., Hartmann R., Hauser G., Holl P., Hömke A., Kimmel N., Krasniqi F., Kühnel K.-U., Maurer J., Messerschmidt M., Moshammer R., Reich C., Rudek B., Santra R., Schlichting I., Schmidt C., Schorb S., Schulz J., Soltau H., Spence J.C.H., Starodub D., Strüder L., Thøgersen J., Vrakking M.J.J., Weidenspointner G., White T.A., Wunderer C., Meijer G., Ullrich J., Stapelfeldt H., Rolles D., Chapman H.N., 2014, Physical Review Letters, 112, 8
Status of CAST and solar chameleon searches, Vafeiadis T., Arik M., Aune S., Barth K., Belov A., Borghi S., Bräuninger H., Cantatore G., Carmona J., Cetin S.A., Collar J.I., Da Riva E., Dafni T., Davenport M., Eleftheriadis C., Elias N., Fanourakis G., Ferrer-Ribas E., Friedrich P., Galán J., Garcia J.A., Gardikiotis A., Garza J.G., Gazis E.N., Geralis T., Georgiopoulou E., Giomataris I., Gninenko S., Gomez H., Marzoa M.G., Gruber E., Guthörl T., Hartmann R., Hauf S., Haug F., Hasinoff M.D., Hoffmann D.H.H., Iguaz F.J., Irastorza I.G., Jacoby J., Jakovčić K., Karuza M., Königsmann K., Kotthaus R., Křcmar M., Kuster M., Lakić B., Lang P.M., Laurent J.M., Liolios A., Ljubičić A., Lozza V., Luzon G., Neff S., Niinikoski T., Nordt A., Papaevangelou T., Pivovaroff M.J., Raffelt G., Riege H., Rodriguez A., Rosu M., Ruz J., Savvidis I., Shilon I., Silva P.S., Solanki S.K., Stewart L., Tomas A., Tsagri M., Van Bibber K., Villar J., Vogel J.K., Yildiz S.C., Zioutas K., 2014, Proceedings of the 10th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, PATRAS 2014,
DEPFET sensors development for the Pixel Detector (PXD) of Belle II, Avella P., 2014, Journal of Instrumentation, 9, 1