Publikationen 2018
High resolution X-ray imaging with pnCCDs, Schopper F., Ninkovic J., Richter R., Schaller G., Selle T., Treis J., 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 912,
Advanced DePFET concepts: Quadropix, Baehr A., Feller A., Lechner P., Ninkovic J., Richter R., Schopper F., Treis J., 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 912,
Spectroscopic DEPFETs at high frame rates using window mode, Müller-Seidlitz J., Lechner P., Meidinger N., Treberspurg W., 2018, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, 12
Performance study of spectroscopic DEPFET arrays with a pixel-wise storage functionality, Müller-Seidlitz J., Andritschke R., Baehr A., Meidinger N., Richter R.H., Treberspurg W., Treis J., 2018, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, 11
A Scalable Detection and Readout Platform for Large SDD Arrays for the TRISTAN Project, Carminati M., Bisognin R., King P., Gugiatti M., Trigilio P., Bombelli L., Lechner P., Brunst T., Mertens S., Fiorini C., 2018, 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2018 - Proceedings,
Readout of digital SiPMs, Diehl I., Hansen K., Krüger K., Reckleben C., Sefkow F., Yao Y., Andricek L., Ninkovic J., Petrovics S., Richter R., 2018, 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2018 - Proceedings,
Measurement results of different options for spectroscopic X-ray DEPFET sensors, Treberspurg W., Andritschke R., Hauser G., Lechner P., Meidinger N., Ninkovic J., Müller-Seidlitz J., Schopper F., 2018, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, 9
Spectroscopic performance of DEPFET active pixel sensor prototypes suitable for the high count rate ATHENA WFI detector, Müller-Seidlitz J., Andritschke R., Bähr A., Meidinger N., Ott S., Richter R.H., Treberspurg W., Treis J., 2018, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015,
Spatial Distortion of Vibration Modes via Magnetic Correlation of Impurities, Krasniqi F.S., Zhong Y., Epp S.W., Foucar L., Trigo M., Chen J., Reis D.A., Wang H.L., Zhao J.H., Lemke H.T., Zhu D., Chollet M., Fritz D.M., Hartmann R., Englert L., Strüder L., Schlichting I., Ullrich J., 2018, Physical Review Letters, 120, 10
Operational experience and commissioning of the Belle II vertex detector, Schwenker B., Abudinén F., Ackermann K., Ahlburg P., Aihara H., Albalawi M., Alonso O., Andricek L., Ayad R., Aziz T., Babu V., Bacher S., Bahinipati S., Bai Y., Barberio E., Baroncelli Ti., Baroncelli To., Basith A.K., Batignani G., Bauer A., Behera P.K., Bertacchi V., Bettarini S., Bhuyan B., Bilka T., Blanco R., Bosi F., Boronat M., Bosisio L., Bozek A., Buchsteiner F., Camien C., Caldwell A., Caria G., Casarosa G., Ceccanti M., Červenkov D., Chekelian V., Czank T., Dash N., de Nuccio M., Deschamps B., Dieguez A., Dingfelder J., Doležal Z., Esperante D., Fischer P., Forti F., Fras M., Frey A., Friedl M., Fuster J., Gabriel M., Gadow K., Gebauer U., Germic L., Gessler T., Getzkow D., Gioi L., Gobbo B., Gomis P., Grimaldo J.A.M., Hara K., Heck M., Hemperek T., Hensel M., Higuchi T., Hoek M., Irmler C., Ishikawa A., Jaegle I., Jeon H.B., Joo C., Kaleta M., Kandra J., Kambara N., Kang K.H., Kapusta P., Kiesling C., Kisielewski B., Kittlinger D., Klose D., Kodyš P., Koffmane C., Kohriki T., Koike S., Komarov I., Konorov I., Krivokuca S., Krüger H., Kuhr T., Kühn W., Kumar M., Kumar R., Kvasnička P., la Licata C., Lacasta C., Lalwani K., Lanceri L., Lange J.S., Lautenbach K., Lee J.Y., Lee S.C., Leis U., Leitl P., Levit D., Li Y., Libby J., Liemann G., Liu Z., Lueck T., Lütticke F., Macharski L., Mammini P., Mariñas C., Martini A., Mayekar S.N., McCarney S., Mohanty G.B., Morii T., Moser H.G., Moya D., Mueller F.J., Müller F., Münchow D., Nakamura K.R., Nakayama H., Natkaniec Z., Niebuhr C., Ninkovic J., Onuki Y., Ostrowicz W., Packheiser U., Paladino A., Paoloni E., Park H., Paschen B., Paul S., Peric I., Poblotzki F., Prasanth K., Profeti A., Rabusov A., Rashevskaya I., Rao K.K., Reiter S.P., Resmi P.K., Richter R., Ritter M., Ritzert M., Rizzo G., Rozanska M., Rummel S., Sahoo D., Sanchez J.G., Santelj L., Sasaki J., Sato N., Scavino B., Schaller G., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Schreeck H., Schultschik S., Schwanda C., Sedlmeyer R., Sfienti C., Simon F., Skambraks S., Soloviev Y., Spruck B., Stever R., Stolzenberg U., Stypula J., Suzuki J., Tafelmayer E., Takahashi M., Tanaka S., Tanigawa H., Taylor G.N., Thalmeier R., Tsuboyama T., Urquijo P., Vila I., Virto A.L., Vitale L., Vogt S., Vos M., Wan K., Wang C., Watanuki S., Watanabe M., Watson I.J., Webb J., Wermes N., Wessel C., Wiechczynski J., Wieduwilt P., Williams S., Windel H., Ye H., Yin H., Zani L., Zhao J., Belle II DEPFET, PXD, and SVD Collaborations, 2018, Proceedings of Science, 348,
Recent improvements on high-speed DEPFET detectors for x-ray astronomy, Müller-Seidlitz J., Bähr A., Meidinger N., Treberspurg W., 2018, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10709,
Non-blind deconvolution of the residual tip-tilt error of the Sunrise Solar Observatory, Tabel S., Treis J., Stechele W., 2018, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical