Publikationen 2008
Investigations into the origin of the Galactic 511 keV emission with INTEGRAL/SPI, Skinner G., Jean P., Knödlseder J., Von Ballmoos P., Weidenspointner G., 2008, Proceedings of Science,
Art-xc: A medium-energy X-ray telescope system for the spectrum-r-gamma mission, Arefiev V., Pavlinsky M., Lapshov I., Tkachenko A., Sazonov S., Revnivtsev M., Semena N., Buntov M., Vikhlinin A., Gubarev M., O'Dell S., Ramsey B., Romaine S., Swartz D., Weisskopf M., Hasinge G., Predehl P., Grigorovich S., Litvin D., Meidinger N., Struder L.W., 2008, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7011,
EROSITA camera design and first performance measurements with CCDs, Meidinger N., Andritschke R., Elbs J., Hälker O., Hartmann R., Hasinger G., Herrmann S., Holl P., Kimmel N., Müller S., Predehl P., Schächner G., Soltau H., Strüder L., Tiedemann L., 2008, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7011,
Status of instrumental background simulations for gamma-ray telescopes with geant4, Zoglauer A., Weidenspointner G., Wunderer C.B., Boggs S.E., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Data analysis for characterizing pnccds, Andritschke R., Hartner G., Hartmann R., Meidinger N., Striider L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Application of the geant4 PIXE implementation for space mISSIons New models for PIXE simulation with geant4, Weidenspointner G., Pia M.G., Zoglauer A., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Performance of ASTEROID: A 64 channel ASIC for source follower readout of DEPFET matrices for x-ray astronomy, Porro M., De Vita G., Herrmann S., Lauf T., Treis J., Wassatsch A., Bombelli L., Fiorini C., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Optimized design topologies for position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detectors operating at high drift fields, Castoldi A., Guazzoni C., Hartmann R., Striider L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Silicon drift detectors arrays for the HICAM gamma camera, Fiorini C., Gola A., Peloso R., Longoni A., Lechner P., Niculae A., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Large format x-ray imager with mega-frame readout capability for XFEL, based on the DEPFET active pixel sensor, Porro M., Andricek L., Castoldi A., Fiorini C., Fischer P., Graafsma H., Hansen K., Kugel A., Lutz G., Pietsch U., Re V., Strüder L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Fast DEPFET read-out for the SIMBOL-X low energy detector, Bombelli L., Fiorini C., Ricca A.A., Porro M., Herrmann S., Wassatsch A., Treis J., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Integrated front-end readout electronics and analog filtering strategies for DEPFETs with special functionalities, De Vita G., Porro M., Herrmann S., Wassatsch A., Lutz G., Strueder L., Treis J., Fiorini C., Bombelli L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Simultaneous acquisition of K-edge subtraction images using a pnCCD, Nurdan K., Nurdan T.C., AITaani M., Yousef H., Walenta A.H., Walenta K., Abboud A., Nasr A., Rübsamen O., Schenk W., Pietsch U., Send S., Hartmann R., Leitenberger W., Strüder L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
HICAM: development of a high-resolution anger camera for nuclear medicine, Fiorini C., Gola A., Peloso R., Geraci A., Longoni A., Padovini G., Lechner P., Strüder L., Hutton B.F., Erlandsson K., Mahmood S., Van Mullekom P., Pedretti A., Moretti R., Poli G.L., Lucignani G., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Proposal of a novel diffraction enhanced imaging setup based on polycapillary X-ray optics, Castoldi A., Ozkan C., Guazzoni C., Bjeoumikhov A., Griffiths J., Royle G., Hartmann R., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
CAMEX readout ASICs for pnCCDs, Herrmann S., Buttler W., Hartmann R., Meidinger N., Porro M., Strueder L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
DEPFET macropixel arrays as focal plane instrumentation for SIMBOL-X and MIXS on bepicolombo, Treis J., Andricek L., Aschauer F., De Vita G., Herrmann S., Heinzinger K., Lauf T., Lechner P., Lutz G., Porro M., Richter R.H., Schaller G., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Segneri G., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Optical test results of fast pnCCDs, Ihle S., Hartmann R., Downing M., Struder L., Deiries S., Gorke H., Hermann S., Kanbach G., Papamasturakis J., Soltau H., Stefanescu A., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Measurement of the current related damage rate at - 50° C and consequences on macropixel detector operation in space experiments, Segneri G., Brown C., Carpenter J.-D., Kuhnle B., Lauf T., Lutz G., Lechner P., Rummel S., Strüder L., Treis J., Whitford C., 2008, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Results of a pnCCD detector system for high-speed optical imaging, Hartmann R., Deires S., Downing M., Gorke H., Herrmann S., Ihle S., Kanbach G., Papamastorakis J., Soltau H., Stefanescu A., Strüder L., 2008, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7015,