Publikationen 2001-2002
Active pixel sensors for imaging X-ray spectrometers, Holl P., Fischer P., Hartmann R., Hasinger G., Kollmer J., Krause N., Lechner P., Lutz G., Meidinger N., Peric I., Richter R., Soltau H., Strüder L., Treis J., Trümper J., Wermes N., 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4851, 1
Radiation studies of silicon-microstrip detectors for use in ATLAS and SCT, Johansen L.G., Andricek L., Lutz G., Moser H.G., Richter R., Robinson D., Stugu B., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 I, 6
A monolithic array of silicon drift detectors for high-resolution gamma-ray imaging, Fiorini C., Longoni A., Perotti F., Labanti C., Rossi E., Lechner P., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 II, 3
Effects of deep n-implants on the electrons' transport in silicon drift detectors, Castoldi A., Guazzoni C., Strüder L., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 II, 3
A new XRF spectrometer based on a ring-shaped multi-element silicon drift detector and on X-ray capillary optics, Longoni A., Fiorini C., Guazzoni C., Gianoncelli A., Strüder L., Soltau H., Lechner P., Bjeoumikhov A., Schmalz J., Langhoff N., Wedell R., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 II, 3
Room-temperature 2-D X-ray imaging with the controlled-drift detector, Castoldi A., Cattaneo G., Galimberti A., Guazzoni C., Rehak P., Strüder L., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 II, 3
Radiation-hard strip detectors on oxygenated silicon, Andricek L., Lutz G., Moser H.G., Richter R.H., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49 II, 3
High speed, large format X-ray CCDs for ESA's XEUS mission, Strüder L., Soltau H., Bonerz S., Bräuninger H., Carathanassis D., Eckhardt R., Hartmann R., Hasinger G., Holl P., Krause N., Lutz G., Meidinger N., Richter R.H., Schaller G., Schnecke-Radau M., Trümper J., 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4497,
Imaging spectrometers for future X-ray missions, Strüder L., Hasinger G., Kollmer J., Krause N., Meidinger N., Trümper J., Hartmann R., Holl P., Lechner P., Soltau H., Klein P., Lutz G., Richter R.H., Fischer P., Wermes N., Buttler W., 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4497,