Publikationen 2005
The active DEPFET pixel sensor: Irradiation effects due to ionizing radiation, Andricek L., Lutz G., Moser H.-G., Richter R.H., 2005, LCWS 2005 - 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop,
A CMOS circuit for high-stability X-ray Spectroscopy with Silicon Drift Detectors with on-chip JFET, Fiorini C., Frizzi T., Longoni A., Porro M., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2,
Ultra-fast XRF spectrometer based on a novel high-performance ring-shaped semiconductor drift detector, Longoni A., Fiorini C., Guazzoni C., Alberti R., Klatka T., Buzzetti S., Strüder L., Lechner P., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3,
A 8-channels low-noise CMOS readout circuit for silicon detectors with on-chip front-end JFET, Fiorini C., Porro M., Frizzi T., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1,
Gamma-ray spectroscopy with LaBr3:Ce scintillator readout by a silicon drift detector, Fiorini C., Gola A., Zanchi M., Longoni A., Lechner P., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1,
The MOS-type DEPFET pixel sensor for the ILC environment, Andricek L., Fischer P., Giesen F., Heinzinger K., Herrmann S., Herz D., Karagounis M., Kohrs R., Krüger H., Lechner P., Lutz G., Moser H.-G., Peric I., Reuen L., Richter R.H., Sandow C., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Strüder L., Törne E.V., Treis J., Trimpl M., Velthuis J., Wermes N., Wölfel S., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1,
Performance of a DEPFET prototype module for the ILC vertex detector, Reuen L., Kohrs R., Velthuis J.J., Andricek L., Fischer P., Giesen F., Krüger H., Lutz G., Mathes M., Moser H.G., Peric I., Richter R.H., Sandow C., Törne E.V., Trimpl M., Treis J., Wermes N., 2005, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1,
The Compton and pair creation telescope MEGA, Andritschke R., Zoglauer A., Kanbach G., Bloser P.F., Schopper F., 2005, Experimental Astronomy, 20, 1-3
Results of a fast pnCCD detector system, Hartmann R., Gorke H., Meidinger N., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2005, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5903,
High energy proton damage effects in thin high resistivity FZ silicon detectors, Fretwurst E., Andricek L., Hönniger F., Kramberger G., Lindström G., Lutz G., Reiche M., Richter R.H., Schramm A., 2005, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 552, 1-2
First results on compton camera coincidences with the silicon drift detector, Çonka-Nurdan T., Nurdan K., Walenta A.H., Chiosa I., Freisleben B., Pavel N.A., Strüder L., 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, 5 I
Vertex detection in a stack of Si-drift detectors for high resolution gamma-ray imaging, Walenta A.H., Brill A.B., Castoldi A., Çonka-Nurdan T., Guazzoni C., Hartmann K., Longoni A., Nurdan K., Strüder L., 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, 5 I
Very high frequency plasma CVD of silicon oxide, Schade K., Stahr F., Röhlecke S., Steinke O., Richter R.H., Schopper F., Heinzinger K., Hartung J., 2005, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 1-4 SPEC. ISS.
DEPFET development at the MPI semiconductor laboratory, Lutz G., 2005, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 549, 1-3
Position and energy resolved room temperature X-ray detectors, Strüder L., Lechner P., Lutz G., Richter R., Soltau H., Eckhardt R., Schaller G., Zhang C., Schnecke M., Holl P., Schopper F., Treis J., Wölfel S., Herrmann S., Hälker O., Miesner D., Heinzinger K., 2005, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 11, SUPPL. 2
The avalanche drift diode: A new detector concept for single photon detection, Lutz G., Otte N., Richter R.H., Strüder L., 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, 4
Development of a prototype module for a DEPFET pixel vertex detector for a linear collider, Kohrs R., Andricek L., Fischer P., Harter M., Karagounis M., Krüger H., Lutz G., Moser H.G., Peric I., Porro M., Reuen L., Richter R.H., Sandow C., Strüder L., Trimpl M., Wermes N., 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, 4
A monolithic array of 77 silicon drift detectors for X-ray spectroscopy and gamma-ray imaging applications, Fiorini C., Bellini M., Gola A., Longoni A., Perotti F., Lechner P., Soltau H., Strüder L., 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, 4
Imaging performance of a DEPFET pixel Bioscope system in Tritium autoradiography, Ulrici J., Fischer P., Klein P., Lutz G., Neeser W., Richter R., Strüder L., Trimpl M., Wermes N., 2005, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 547, 2-3
E+ e- -pair production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon, Agakichiev G., Appelshäuser H., Bielcikova J., Baur R., Braun-Munzinger P., Cherlin A., Damjanovic S., Drees A., Esumi S., Faschingbauer U., Fraenkel Z., Fuchs Ch., Gatti E., Glässel P., Hering G., De Los Heros C.P., Holl P., Jung Ch., Lenkeit B., Marín A., Messer F., Messer M., Miśkowiec D., Nix O., Panebrattsev Yu., Pfeiffer A., Rak J., Ravinovich I., Razin S., Rehak P., Richter M., Sampietro M., Sako H., Saveljic N., Schmitz W., Schukraft J., Seipp W., Shimanskiy S., Socol E., Specht H.J., Stachel J., Tel-Zur G., Tserruya I., Ullrich T., Voigt C., Voloshin S., Weber C., Wessels J.P., Wienold T., Wurm J.P., Yurevich V., 2005, European Physical Journal C, 41, 4
Status of silicon photomultiplier developments as optical sensors for MAGIC/ detectors, Otte A.N., Dolgoshein B., Moser H.G., Mirzoyan R., Teshima M., 2005, 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005, 5,