Publikationen 2009
CAMP-A new endstation for simultaneous detection of photons and charged particles in free electron lasers experiments, Epp S.W., Graafsma H., Hartmann R., Hirsemann H., Kühnel K.U., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Schlichting I., Strüder L., Ullrich J., 2009, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 194, 14
Application of a new interconnection technology for the ATLAS pixel upgrade at SLHC, Macchiolo A., Andricek L., Beimforde M., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., 2009, Proceedings of the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, TWEPP 2009,
The wide field imager for the international X-ray observatory, Treis J., Bombelli L., Fiorini C., Herrmann S., Lauf T., Lechner P., Lutz G., Majewski P., Porro M., Richter R.H., Stefanescu A., Strüder L., De Vita G., 2009, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7435,
CCD detectors for spectroscopy and imaging of X-rays with the eROSITA space telescope, Meidinger N., Andritschke R., Ebermayer S., Elbs J., Hälker O., Hartmann R., Herrmann S., Kimmel N., Predehl P., Schächner G., Soltau H., Strüder L., Tiedemann L., 2009, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7435,
Research in Geant4 electromagnetic physics design, and its effects on computational performance and quality assurance, Augelli M., Begalli M., Hauf S., Kim C.H., Kuster M., Pia M.G., Queiroz Filho P., Quintieri L., Saracco P., Santos Souza D., Weidenspointner G., Zoglauer A., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Geant4-related R & D for new particle transport methods, Augelli M., Begalli M., Evans T., Gargioni E., Hauf S., Kim C.H., Kuster M., Pia M.G., Queiroz Filho P., Quintieri L., Saracco P., Souza Santos D., Weidenspointner G., Zoglauer A., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
A clustering engine for data rate reduction in the Belle II pixel detector, Wassatsch A., Herrmann S., Richter R.H., Andricek L., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
64-channel ASTEROID ASIC: Experimental performance and measurements with macro pixel arrays for X-ray astronomy, De Vita G., Herrmann S., Porro M., Wassatsch A., Lauf T., Stefanescu A., Treis J., Bombelli L., Fiorini C., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
1 cm2 and 3 cm2 multi-linear silicon drift detectors for 2D x-ray spectroscopic imaging and compton scattering, Castoldi A., Guazzoni C., Hartmann R., Strüder L., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Recent developments on PIXE simulation with Geant4, Pia M.G., Weidenspointner G., Augelli M., Quintieri L., Saracco P., Sudhakar M., Zoglauer A., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Performance assessment of a high resolution X-ray scatter imaging system with multi-momentum transfer capability, Ozkan C., Guazzoni C., Castoldi A., Royle G., Bjeoumikhov A., Hartmann R., Strüder L., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Cosima - The cosmic simulator of MEGAlib, Zoglauer A., Weidenspointner G., Galloway M., Boggs S.E., Wunderer C.B., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Progress and validation of Geant4 based radioactive decay simulation using the examples of simbol-X and IXO, Hauf S., Kuster M., Pia M.G., Bell Z., Briel U., Chipaux R., Hoffmann D.H.H., Kendziorra E., Laurent P., Strüder L., Tenzer C., Weidenspointner G., Zoglauer A., 2009, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record