Publikationen 2015-2017
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the giant mimivirus particle with an X-ray free-electron laser, Ekeberg T., Svenda M., Abergel C., Maia F.R.N.C., Seltzer V., Claverie J.-M., Hantke M., Jönsson O., Nettelblad C., Van Der Schot G., Liang M., Deponte D.P., Barty A., Seibert M.M., Iwan B., Andersson I., Loh N.D., Martin A.V., Chapman H., Bostedt C., Bozek J.D., Ferguson K.R., Krzywinski J., Epp S.W., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Hartmann R., Kimmel N., Hajdu J., 2015, Physical Review Letters, 114, 9
Production quality characterisation techniques of sensors and prototypes for the BELLE II pixel detector, Avella P., Andricek L., Koffmane C., Lehmann R., Liemann G., Moser H.-G., Ninkovic J., Richter R.H., Ritter A., Scheugenpflug E., Schaller G., Schopper F., Schnecke M., Valentan M., Wassatsch A., 2015, Journal of Instrumentation, 10, 1