Publikationen 2010
Application of the SLID-ICV interconnection technology for the ATLAS pixel upgrade at SLHC, Andricek L., Beimforde M., Klumpp A., Macchiolo A., Merkel K.-R., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Weber J., Weigell P., Wieland R., 2010, IEEE 3D System Integration Conference 2010, 3DIC 2010,
A module concept for the upgrades of the ATLAS pixel system using the novel SLID-ICV vertical integration technology, Beimforde M., Andricek L., Macchiolo A., Moser H.-G., Nisius R., Richter R.H., Weigell P., 2010, Journal of Instrumentation, 5, 12
The DEPFET active pixel sensor for vertexing at ILC and Super KEKB, Rummel S., Andricek L., 2010, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 623, 1
VELA: A fast DEPFET readout circuit for the NHXM mission, Fiorini C., Bombelli L., Marone A., Uslenghi M., Fiorini M., Villa G.E., Porro M., Treis J., Herrmann S., Wassatsch A., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7732,
The Wide-Field Imager for IXO: Status and future activities, Strüder L., Aschauer F., Bautz M., Bombelli L., Burrows D., Fiorini C., Fraser G., Herrmann S., Kendziorra E., Kuster M., Laufa T., Lechner P., Lutz G., Majewski P., Meuris A., Porro M., Reiffers J., Richter R., Santangel A., Soltau H., Stefanescu A., Tenzer C., Treisb J., Tsunemi H., De Vita G., Wilms J., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7732,
Wide field AO correction: The large wavefront sensor detector of ARGOS, De Xivry G.O., Rabien S., Bari L., Esposito S., Gaessler W., Hart M., Deysenroth M., Gemperlein H., Strüder L., Ziegleder J., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7736, PART 1
ARGOS - The laser guide star system for the LBT, Rabien S., Ageorges N., Barl L., Beckmann U., Blümchen T., Bonaglia M., Borelli J.L., Brynnel J., Busoni L., Carbonaro L., Davies R., Deysenroth M., Durney O., Eiberich M., Esposito S., Gasho V., Gässler W., Gemperlein H., Genzel R., Green R., Haug M., Lloyd Hart M., Hubbard P., Kanneganti S., Masciadri E., Noenickx J., De Orban Xivry G., Peter D., Quirrenbach A., Rademacher M., Rix H.W., Salinari P., Schwab C., Storm J., Strüder L., Thiel M., Weigelt G., Ziegleder J., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7736, PART 1
First results from electrical qualification measurements on DEPFET pixel detector, Majewski P., Andricek L., Lauf T., Lechner P., Lutz G., Reiffers J., Richter R., Schaller G., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Soltau H., Stefanescu A., Strüder L., Treis J., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7742,
Development of the Simbol-X science verification model and its contribution for the IXO Mission, Maier D., Aschauer F., Dick J., Distratis G., Gebhardt H., Herrmann S., Kendziorra E., Lauf T., Lechner P., Santangelo A., Schanz T., Strüder L., Tenzer C., Treis J., 2010, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7742,