Publikationen 2010
The DRAGO gamma camera, Fiorini C., Gola A., Peloso R., Longoni A., Lechner P., Soltau H., Strüder L., Ottobrini L., Martelli C., Lui R., Madaschi L., Belloli S., 2010, Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 4
Imaging molecules from within: Ultrafast angström-scale structure determination of molecules via photoelectron holography using free-electron lasers, Krasniqi F., Najjari B., Strüder L., Rolles D., Voitkiv A., Ullrich J., 2010, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81, 3
Large-format, high-speed, X-ray pnCCDs combined with electron and ion imaging spectrometers in a multipurpose chamber for experiments at 4th generation light sources, Strüder L., Epp S., Rolles D., Hartmann R., Holl P., Lutz G., Soltau H., Eckart R., Reich C., Heinzinger K., Thamm C., Rudenko A., Krasniqi F., Kühnel K.-U., Bauer C., Schröter C.-D., Moshammer R., Techert S., Miessner D., Porro M., Hälker O., Meidinger N., Kimmel N., Andritschke R., Schopper F., Weidenspointner G., Ziegler A., Pietschner D., Herrmann S., Pietsch U., Walenta A., Leitenberger W., Bostedt C., Möller T., Rupp D., Adolph M., Graafsma H., Hirsemann H., Gärtner K., Richter R., Foucar L., Shoeman R.L., Schlichting I., Ullrich J., 2010, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 614, 3
CAST: Recent results & future outlook, Papaevangelou T., Aune S., Barth K., Belov A., Borghi S., Bräuninger H., Cantatore G., Carmona J.M., Cetin S.A., Collar J.I., Dafni T., Davenport M., Eleftheriadis C., Elias N., Ezer C., Fanourakis G., Ferrer-Ribas E., Fischer H., Franz J., Friedrich P., Galán J., Gardikiotis A., Gazis E.N., Geralis T., Giomataris I., Gninenko S., Gómez H., Gruber E., Guthörl T., Hartmann R., Haug F., Hasinoff M., Hoffmann D.H.H., Iguaz J., Irastorza I.G., Jacoby J., Jakovčić K., Kang D., Karageorgopoulou T., Karuza M., Königsmann K., Kotthaus R., Krčmar M., Kousouris K., Kuster M., Lakić B., Lang P., Lasseur C., Laurent J.M., Liolios A., Ljubičić A., Lozza V., Lutz G., Luzón G., Miller D.W., Mirizzi A., Morales J., Niinikoski T., Nordt A., Pivovaroff M.J., Raiteri G., Raffelt G., Rashba T., Riege H., Rodríguez A., Rosu M., Ruz J., Savvidis I., Semertzidis Y., Serpico P., Silva P.S., Solanki S.K., Soufli R., Stewart L., Tomás A., Tsagri M., Van Bibber K., Vafeiadis T., Villar J., Vogel J.K., Walckiers L., Wong Y., Yildiz S.C., Zioutas K., 2010, Proceedings of the 6th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, PATRAS 2010,
New models for PIXE simulation with Geant4, Pia M.G., Weidenspointner G., Augelli M., Quintieri L., Saracco P., Sudhakar M., Zoglauer A., 2010, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 219, 1 PART 3
Design and performance evaluations of generic programming techniques in a R&D prototype of Geant4 physics, Pia M.G., Saracco P., Sudhakar M., Zoglauer A., Augelli M., Gargioni E., Kim C.H., Quintieri L., De Queiroz Filho P.P., De Souza Santos D., Weidenspointner G., Begalli M., 2010, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 219, 1 PART 4
R&D on co-working transport schemes in Geant4, Pia M.G., Saracco P., Sudhakar M., Zoglauer A., Augelli M., Gargioni E., Kim C.H., Quintieri L., De Queiroz Filho P.P., De Souza Santos D., Weidenspointner G., Begalli M., 2010, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 219, 1 PART 3
The mercury imaging X-ray spectrometer (MIXS) on bepicolombo, Fraser G.W., Carpenter J.D., Rothery D.A., Pearson J.F., Martindale A., Huovelin J., Treis J., Anand M., Anttila M., Ashcroft M., Benkoff J., Bland P., Bowyer A., Bradley A., Bridges J., Brown C., Bulloch C., Bunce E.J., Christensen U., Evans M., Fairbend R., Feasey M., Giannini F., Hermann S., Hesse M., Hilchenbach M., Jorden T., Joy K., Kaipiainen M., Kitchingman I., Lechner P., Lutz G., Malkki A., Muinonen K., Näränen J., Portin P., Prydderch M., Juan J.S., Sclater E., Schyns E., Stevenson T.J., Strüder L., Syrjasuo M., Talboys D., Thomas P., Whitford C., Whitehead S., 2010, Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1-2